5 results for tag: school funding

For Immediate Release: 20 Years of Basic Education Funding in Pennsylvania

Citizens for Fair & Equitable School Funding www.SupportEquityFirst.org   Media Contact: [email protected] @EquityFirstOrg  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2018 Twenty Years of Basic Education Funding in Pennsylvania Looking at Governors in Four Year Terms (adjusted for inflation) $1.15 Billion – Rendell – 2nd Term of 4-year term $   908.52 Million – Rendell – 1st Term of 4-year term $   745.82 Million – Ridge/Schweiker – 2nd Term of 4-year term $   575.50 Million – Corbett 4-year term $   564.25 Million – Wolf 1st Term of 4-year term (Harrisburg, PA) - June 14, 2018 – Even though the national ...

York City schools: End of state oversight near?

Lindsay C. VanAsdalan, York DispatchPublished 10:46 a.m. ET June 7, 2018 | Updated 12:43 p.m. ET June 7, 2018 For nearly six years, the York City school board has operated under the watchful eye of a state-appointed financial recovery officer. That watchdog now says the district is making good progress, and her oversight might not be needed much longer. However, Carol Saylor said only one of the four financially distressed districts ensnared by a 2012 law — Harrisburg — has completed its recovery plan, and it's still awaiting word on its recovery status. More: State places York City schools in financial recovery More: York City ...

EquityFirst #CivilFundingWar Meeting on Education Funding

PENNSYLVANIA KNOWINGLY UNDERFUNDS POOR, MINORITY SCHOOL DISTRICTS BY MILLIONS Dauphin County is underfunded by nearly $50 Million Every Year in Basic and Special Education Funding JOIN US FOR A PUBLIC MEETING TO LEARN ABOUT HOW WE CAN FIX THIS! #CIVILFUNDINGWAR Monday, June 4, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Meeting Light Refreshments will be served. Living Water Community Church 206 Oakleigh Avenue, Harrisburg, PA RSVP here. For more information contact: [email protected] or 717.623.0909 or visit www.SupportEquityFirst.org.


By Kevin Tustin, [email protected], @KevinTustin on Twitter The school year is drawing to an end, and that means district leaders are compiling their budgets for 2018-19 to scrutinize what their expenses will look like and how they’re going to pay for it. Perhaps the most certain thing every year is that real estate taxes will be the driving revenue source for districts, leaving most to raise taxes to fight off rising expenses like salaries, benefits, and education mandates as they settle for their state and federal appropriations. The Education Law Center declared in 2013 that the state’s share of school funding is 34 ...


By Evan Brandt, The Mercury POTTSTOWN >> As school and state budget deadlines loom, a number of factors are combining to show a glimmer of hope for relief for underfunded school districts like Pottstown. And that glimmer is coming from Harrisburg. Most significant are bills introduced in the House and Senate by Pottstown-area representatives to speed up the implementation of funding education through the “fair funding formula.” $13.5M FUNDING GAP Adopted two years ago in recognition of the various factors — such as poverty and local tax effort — that skew education spending in favor of wealthy districts, the amount of money ...