Join the Pennsylvania Volunteers in the #CivilFundingWar

As a Pennsylvania Volunteer in the #CivilFundingWar, here’s what volunteers need to do to help:

  1. Share the information with friends, neighbors and coworkers. That means forward emails to them and pass along any literature you pick up from our meetings.
  2. Invite 10 people to attend upcoming meetings. Upcoming meeting dates: March 22, April 16 and April 30, 2018 – all at 5:30 p.m. in Harrisburg at St. Paul’s Episcopalian Church.
  3. Attend the upcoming meetings. RSVP on our Facebook Page, or just show up.
  4. Join our mailing list by clicking here.
  5. Like us on Facebook, invite 10 friends to like us, and also follow us on Twitter @EquityFirstOrg and on LinkedIn.
  6. Share the emails, get others to participate. Invite a friend to the next meeting.
  7. Share our social media posts with your friends and followers.
  8. Tell school board members you’re a member of the Pennsylvania Volunteers in the #CivilFundingWar and you want them to join.
  9. Tell your legislators you’re a member of the Pennsylvania Volunteers in the #CivilFundingWar and you want immediate action on our battle plan. Find your legislator here.
  10. Share your personal story about the hardships you faced because of underfunded schools. We want to hear from you. Email [email protected].


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